Thursday, September 30, 2004


UVA’s Arts & Sciences Center for Instructional Technologies

The Arts & Sciences Center for Instructional Technologies (ASCIT), in collaboration with the Instructional Technology Group of ITC, provides technical and instructional technology support for the College of Arts and Sciences. Primarily, the ASCIT staff assists faculty members with technical support, as well as provides innovative classroom instruction solutions. A second service the staff provides is equipment loans. Third, they oversee the Language Laboratory.

The technical services consist of consultation of one-on-one and small groups, technology use training and presentations to faculty members and teaching assistants. These services include support web-based tools designed for both instructors and students for course material management, sharing of work, and web-based resource creation. This web-based tool is an on-line community where activities are posted, and students and receive feedback on essays, exercises, quizzes and tests.

The Language Lab is the feature of the ASCIT that I am most interested in. Presently, all the major languages being offered are provided in the lab. Unfortunately, Arabic is the exception. Since the Language Lab is the center for technology-enhanced learning in second-language learning, it would serve students best if an Arabic program is included. This is where I come in. I have spoken to the professor and lab section assistant of Arabic. I hope to assist in the formulation of an Arabic program with in the Language Lab.

Saturday, September 25, 2004


The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid Posted by Hello


Diamond Heam, Waikiki 2002 Posted by Hello


Beijing 2001 Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 23, 2004


Although there are many elements that make a website user-friendly, accessibly, and generally a good website, there are three elements alluded to in the Yale Style Guide. These three that I would like to emphasize in my websites are website design and organization, typography, and accessibility.

Primarily, anyone who wants to design a website must think about their audience and their needs in particular. There is an unspoken contract between the designer/author, and the audience. The other element may seem obvious. But, I think that typography is important as it is the element that communicates your content to the reader. The final element is accessibility. By keeping user accessibility in mind when creating your website, you ensure that more users with various hardware and connectivity can actually access your page.

Thursday, September 09, 2004


Let's play True and a Lie.

One of these statements is a lie. Which one is it?

1.) I was a paratrooper for the United States Army, trained to be an Arabic linguist...

2.) I travelled to the Middle East and Far East...

3.) I am writing my memoirs about my military experiences...

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Technology Autobiography

My general attitudes toward technology can be summed-up as a combination of cautioned welcome. To be honest, I have been an avid supporter of most technology: computers, medicine, engineering, architectural, design, etc. On the other hand, the humanist within has always been the sentinel of conscience guiding my over all attitude toward how we as individuals and as a society grapple with these powerful implements.

I strongly lean toward the application of technology for the betterment of society through the alleviation of human suffering worldwide. Lofty, but I believe this is a viable implementation of technology. There are many accounts of science and technology benefiting society. In hindsight, there are also many accounts of science and technology harming society.

With regard to my views on computers in the classroom, I believe that as a tool, educators have an added mechanism to enrich the learning experience. No, computers cannot teach, or improve learning by themselves. Our classrooms still need the human beings to provide direction, support, and encouragement. Most importantly, the teacher is the most appropriate learning device when it comes to human interactions, communication, and awareness. In the hands of an ineffective educator, the best computers (and software) will be ineffective in the learning process.

In the office, technology is harnessed in the age-old pursuit of the bottom line. In doing so, work, labor, the office space has changed dramatically, and continues to change. There is exponential growth and application of technology in both the classroom and the office. Computing, network, and internet technologies are a few innovations that is transforming our society. I foresee many positive applications, and innovations that can benefit society in general. Unfortunately, for every one of these constructive implementations, I am certain that there is one harmful application.

Technology can enrich the human experience, as well as alleviate human suffering. Individuals throughout the world are proving this. Computers, in concert with other technologies have a significant role in this transformation. As citizens of the "most powerful nation", we have a role in ensuring the positive, and constructive application of technology to serve society.

EDLF 546 Assignment 09 02 2004

Hello world!
Today, I am born...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

EDLF 546 Software Applications for Education

EDLF 546 introduces the student to various software applications and their educational uses. It fosters discussion on best uses and practices of technology in education; and allows the student to produce an electronic portfolio demonstrating his/her technical competencies to current or future employers.