Thursday, October 07, 2004


Valley of the Shadow

Wow. Nice history or social studies tool. I like the flow, although I would locate the navigational links at the top of the page. It took me a while to find them at the very bottom.

I like the breath of information, from the maps, battle movements, to the newspaper materials. I was impressed by the census information that was included. It seems that this site took the effort to include as many forms of information as possible.

Students could learn more about the Civil War era from statistical information, population movements (maps), and diaries. It fleshes out "dusty old history" and gives a voice to the period.

A website like this is very useful as it contains period information. Professionally, I could see that a webpage like this could be helpful if the individual knows what information they are looking for. For those who don't, the amount of information this type of site contains could become daunting.

I like the layout. I think that it is clean and not cluttered. I would prefer that all the links be consistent. For example, the census links have different fonts and do not seem as polished.

Over all, I like this site.